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Learn how to induce vomiting and what to watch out for for safety.

Knowing how to induce vomiting can help relieve nausea or flush out any food, foreign objects. Or toxins that you accidentally swallowed. Although inducing vomiting can help relieve these symptoms. It can also lead to health problems that could be dangerous to the body.

Vomiting is the body’s response to expel fluids, food, or other substances from the stomach through the mouth. It can be caused by a number of things, such as eating too much. Drinking too much alcohol, or food poisoning. Vomiting often  occurs spontaneously. And uncontrollably, but various methods of inducing vomiting can also be used to induce vomiting.

How to make yourself vomit

Inducing vomiting or inducing vomiting can be done. By stimulating the body to have a gag reflex to prevent choking or swallowing foreign objects into the airway. This can be done by using a finger, toothbrush. Spoon or other blunt object to touch the base of the tongue, pharynx, tonsils or uvula.

By triggering this reaction, the muscles in the back of the throat can contract together. Causing vomiting or regurgitation of stomach contents.

In addition to inducing vomiting by the above methods, sometimes seeing, smelling, hearing, or thinking about events, situations, or objects that have a psychological impact can also induce vomiting.

Things to watch out for before using vomiting methods

Although people who feel the urge to vomit can induce vomiting themselves. Using inducers to induce vomiting should be done with caution, as vomiting can cause food particles to enter the lungs and block the airway.

In addition, there are some precautions to take before using various vomiting methods for health safety, such as: 

  • Vomiting can lead to a number of health problems, including dehydration,  irritation or damage to the tissues in the throat or mouth, hoarseness  , sore throat, and malnutrition.
  • If you accidentally swallow a foreign object, toxin or chemical,  you should go to the hospital immediately and should not induce vomiting or try to treat yourself because it may make the symptoms worse. 
  • You should see a psychiatrist if you use the method of inducing vomiting after eating because you are concerned about your weight or body shape, especially if you do it regularly and cannot stop, because it may be a sign of bulimia or binge eating, or other eating disorders that should be treated properly.
  • If you feel nauseous  , inducing vomiting may not help. Try other ways to treat nausea, such as resting, deep breathing, drinking ginger water , or eating foods that contain ginger.

If you feel like vomiting, you should let your body vomit on its own instead of inducing vomiting by various methods. You should see a doctor early if you feel like vomiting frequently because it could be a sign of some health problems that should not be overlooked.