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Monthly Archives: December 2024

Behaviors that are consistent with nomophobia

Behaviors that are consistent with nomophobia The term “nomophobia” has recently coined to describe the growing fear of being without our mobile phones. Many experts believe that over-reliance on digital devices may be a form of behavioral addiction, which can have a negative impact on

Do you think you drink enough water every day?

Do you think you drink enough water every day? We’ve all heard that drinking eight glasses of water a day is good for you, but the actual daily water requirement can vary depending on your ยูฟ่าเบท activities and lifestyle. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends

Top 5 Diet Mistakes to Avoid During Festivals

Top 5 Diet Mistakes to Avoid During Festivals Here are the Top 5 diet mistakes to avoid during festivals: 1. Know the food Understanding the food you consume is essential. Don’t be misled by labels like “diet sweet” or “bake sweet,” which can sometimes be deceiving. It’s